"Such a nifty idea as it's great to have a matching set. Dakota looks ace in it. Really easy to wipe and wash too. Love it!", Ashley Graham.
• Two in one Double Up Bibs Set. Use the silicone baby bib for snacks and sandwiches, the baby coverall bib for messy play and double them up for mushy foods or messy play.
• Silicone Catch Bib - soft food grade silicone with comfortable adjustable popper fastenings. Deep and sturdy catcher pocket for falling foods to be eaten later. Fishfingers mixed with ice cream anyone?
• Long sleeved Baby Coverall Bib - high quality, wipe clean, super wipeable and quick drying soft material with simple popper fastenings at the back, elasticated cuffs and a low catcher pocket for any falling foods not already caught by the silicone baby bib. Perfect for Baby Led Weaning. Rigorously road tested with both Bolognese and Paint!
• Simple and easy to clean. Machine washable baby coverall bib and dishwasher safe silicone baby bib. Both are also easy to wipe clean and hand wash.
• Rigorously tested to European and USA standards for product safety in relation to babies and toddlers. Suitable from 6-24 months.