Lunch box ideas for kids - by Siobhan Berry from Mummy Cooks

Lunch box ideas for kids - by Siobhan Berry from Mummy Cooks

Are you stuck for ideas and looking for healthy lunch box inspiration? Then look no further! These lunchbox ideas are also perfect for your weaning baby; simply introduce them as finger foods as a baby led weaning meal. Spruce up your kid's lunch box with our five day Mummy Cooks menu perfect to keep them satisfied throughout the school day.

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Back to school – all you need to know to get ready!

Back to school – all you need to know to get ready!

Big, exciting, changes lie ahead for your little one as they go to nursery or (pre) school in September, whether they’re starting for the first time or going back after the long Summer holidays.

But getting ready for the September start-date not only means the practical side of what to pack in your lunch bag and how on earth you get name tags to stay on clothes all year! There’s also the emotional side of preparing your little one for going out on their own.

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Have fun with weaning, the TUM TUM way!

Have fun with weaning, the TUM TUM way!

Spoon-fed weaning, baby-led weaning, self-feeding…..there are so many different approaches to weaning that it is hard to know which is the best strategy for you and your baby. Add this to the stress of knowing which foods to introduce when, juggling family mealtimes with baby-appropriate foods and of course all the mess that comes with letting your baby explore and enjoy new foods and you could be heading for a weaning nightmare!

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A week of Baby Weaning Breakfasts – TUM TUM Style!

A week of Baby Weaning Breakfasts – TUM TUM Style!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it fuels you and get you ready for the day ahead. Plus, in our book it’s the yummiest!Don’t be surprised, however, when first weaning your baby if they aren’t that interested to start with. All many babies will want at first is milk and a cuddle. When they are ready to join in however, here are a few fun suggestions that may just bring a smile to their face!

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